Type of high school student every teacher loves to teach

FROM MARIA BARROWS: Wood Ridge High School Guidance Counselor

Matthew Killen was the type of high school student every teacher loves to teach. He was bright, motivated, athletic, and always went above and beyond what was required of him. His classmates naturally gravitated to Matt’s sunny personality.

A lover of Science and Math classes, Matt challenged himself throughout his four years of high school, always knowing he would pursue a degree in the medical field. During his sophomore year of high school, Matt was lucky to travel to Alabama during his Spring break and witness a surgical procedure first hand. When he returned to school, more excited than I ever saw him, Matt shared with me every detail of what he saw.

This experience helped cement Matt’s passion and desire to study medicine because his life’s dream was to help help people.

Heaven can’t wait

A star shining in a universe
Far away
My heart knows that we shall meet again
Some sweet day

And you, you will be the flame that burns
In my breast
And oh, I know just by knowing you
I was blessed, yes I was truly blessed


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